What to Look for When Buying LED Grow Lights

There’s a lot to consider when choosing the best LED grow light for your grow room. Even with in-depth knowledge, expert testing, and customer ...

What to Look for When Buying LED Grow Lights

There’s a lot to consider when choosing the best LED grow light for your grow room. Even with in-depth knowledge, expert testing, and customer ...

The Complete Exhaust Fan and Carbon Filter Buyer's Guide

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in May 2021. It has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness as of July 2023.   Everyone k...

Choosing the Best Grow Tent Size for Your Indoor Garden

If you’re thinking of growing your own fruits, vegetables, and plants indoors, setting up a grow room is one way to go. Alternatively, you could al...
How much does it cost to run an HPS grow light?

How Much Does It Cost to Run an HPS Grow Light?

Indoor grow rooms are a great way to maintain a garden without worrying about outside factors like weather and pests. To grow plants indoors, thoug...
Review: Single ended vs double ended HPS grow lights

Review: Single-Ended vs. Double-Ended HPS Grow Lights

There are plenty different types of grow lights to choose from for your grow room, and we know you want to make the best decision when it comes to ...

The Best Tools & Tips for Growing Your Own Plants Indoors

Starting an indoor garden in order to grow your own food can be an extremely fun and rewarding process. That said, growing your own food in a grow ...
Review: HPS grow lights vs CMH grow lights

Review: HPS Grow Lights Vs. CMH Grow Lights

Choosing the right grow lights is an important part of setting up your grow tent or grow room. Maybe you’ve narrowed your options down to HID grow ...
The Top 5 Benefits of Growing your own Food Indoors

The Top 5 Benefits of Growing Your Own Food Indoors

There’s nothing like the taste of a garden-fresh tomato. That’s something you just can’t get at the grocery store. But you can get it if you grow y...

The Mental Health Benefits of Indoor Gardening

It seems that everyone’s been picking up new hobbies lately to pass the time until life goes back to normal. On top of this, taking care of our men...

The Best Way to Fix Nutrient Lockout and How to Prevent It

When you’re growing plants in an indoor garden, grow room, or grow tent, there are a lot of factors to keep in mind and take care of. The truth is...

Review: Ebb and Flow vs. DWC Hydroponic Systems

There are a lot of options out there when it comes to maintaining an indoor garden. A hydroponic system is definitely a great way to go, but how do...
Tips for a successful grow room or grow tent.

5 Little Changes That’ll Make a Big Difference in Your Grow Room

Putting together the perfect grow room or grow tent takes a bit of effort, planning, and research. Ultimately, though, you’ll have a functional spa...
Your guide to plant containers

A Guide to Plant Containers

It can be incredibly rewarding having your very own garden of fruits, vegetables, and other plants. At the same time, growing directly in the soil ...