what is nutrient burn?

What is Nutrient Burn?

Nutrient burn is a very common problem on plant health. It is however, often misunderstood. This occurs when plants absorb more nutrients than they...
what is nutrient burn?

What is Nutrient Burn?

Nutrient burn is a very common problem on plant health. It is however, often misunderstood. This occurs when plants absorb more nutrients than they...
a photo of plants on their vegetative stage

The Vegetative Stage of Plant Growth

The vegetative stage is critical in the life cycle of a plant. This period sets the foundation for future yield and overall plant health, focusing ...
Active Aqua Chiller with Power Boost and an AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb and Flow Grow System - 6 Site

Do I Need a Chiller for My Hydroponics? An In-Depth Guide

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a water-based, nutrient-rich solution without soil. Temperature control is critical in hydroponics, as...
the AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb and Flow Grow System - 6 Site

Guide to AirCube Hydroponic Maintenance and Sanitation

Hydroponics allows for growing plants without soil, and the AirCube Hydroponic system enhances this process with its efficient design. Proper maint...
a smiling woman wearing gardening outfit checking on cannabis plants

Mastering Cannabis Cultivation: A Guide to Advanced Training Techniques

To optimize the yield, potency, and health of cannabis plants, growers must check out advanced training techniques. These methodologies are pivotal...
a photo of bushy cannabis under purple lighting

Cannabis Growing via Supercropping: Unlocking Potential for Robust Plants

Supercropping, a high-stress training (HST) technique, is a prominent method among various strategies to boost the yield and potency of cannabis. I...
a photo of healthy cannabis plants

Cannabis Growing via Sea of Green (SOG)

The Sea of Green (SOG) method is a cultivation technique originating in the 1980s. It involves densely planting cannabis seedlings and transitionin...
a top photo of cannabis leaves

Cannabis Cultivation: Topping and Fimming

In cannabis cultivation, pruning is a critical technique that influences the yield, health, and potency of your plants. Among various pruning metho...
a photo of cannabis leaves laid on a wooden table

Lollipopping: A Guide to Efficient Cannabis Cultivation

In cannabis cultivation, every technique and detail counts towards the final yield and quality of your plants. Among the various methods employed b...
a photo of a humidifier and a thermometer hygrometer with indoor plants

Do I Need a Humidifier for My Grow Tent?

Grow tents have revolutionized indoor gardening, allowing enthusiasts and professionals alike to create controlled, ideal environments for a wide v...
Tips and Tricks: Growing Hemp with SCROG

Tips and Tricks: Growing Hemp with SCROG

Hemp, a plant with a myriad of uses ranging from textiles to health products, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its sustainab...
a photo of a stem being prunned

Air Pruning vs Traditional Pruning: Enhancing Plant Health and Growth

Pruning, a vital gardening practice, plays a significant role in maintaining and enhancing plant health. It involves selectively removing parts of ...
a photo of a plants dense buds

Tips to Grow Bigger and Denser Cannabis Buds

Growing bigger and denser buds is a key goal for many gardeners and cultivators. This guide provides practical tips and techniques for enhancing bu...